The now popular declarative and reactive framework by Apple.

What is Combine?

Combine is a powerful framework introduced by Apple in 2019 (iOS 13) that provides a declarative and reactive approach to handling asynchronous events and data streams. It is based on the Reactive Programming paradigm, which allows you to model your application as a series of data streams that can be transformed and combined using functional operators.

Publishers and Subscribers

At its core, Combine is based on two fundamental concepts: Publishers and Subscribers. Publishers emit values or errors over time, while subscribers receive and handle those values or errors. These two concepts can be combined to create complex data flows that can be modified and transformed as needed.

Publishers can emit a variety of events, including values, completion signals, and error messages. They can be created from a wide range of sources, including arrays, network requests, user input, and timers. Publishers can also be combined using operators, allowing developers to filter, transform, and combine streams of data in a variety of ways.

Subscribers, on the other hand, define what happens when a publisher emits an event. They can be simple closures that receive a single value, or they can be more complex objects that handle a stream of values over time. Subscribers can also be customized to handle specific types of events, such as errors or completion signals.

Combine also provides a rich set of built-in operators for working with data streams, such as map, filter, merge, combineLatest, and many others. These operators can be used to create complex data flows and transformations that are easy to reason about and test.


Combine also introduces the concept of Operators, which are functions that operate on publishers and subscribers to modify their behavior. Operators can be used to transform values, filter events, and merge multiple publishers into a single stream of data. They can also be used to customize how subscribers receive and handle events.

Benefits of Using Combine

Using Combine can greatly simplify the handling of asynchronous events in Swift, and allow developers to write more concise and maintainable code. By combining simple publishers and subscribers with powerful operators, developers can create complex data flows that are easy to modify and extend over time. With its focus on functional programming and reactive programming concepts, Combine is a valuable addition to any Swift developer’s toolkit.

Combine + SwiftUI

What is SwiftUI?

SwiftUI is a declarative and modern UI framework introduced by Apple in 2019 (iOS 13) that allows you to create user interfaces using a simple and intuitive syntax. It is based on the Swift language and provides a reactive and data-driven approach to building UIs.

With SwiftUI, you can describe your UI using a series of declarative views, which are composable and reusable. Views are updated automatically when their underlying data changes, allowing you to create dynamic and responsive user interfaces without having to manage state and updates manually.

SwiftUI also provides a range of built-in views and modifiers for creating common UI elements, such as buttons, text fields, lists, and many others. These views and modifiers can be customized and combined to create complex and beautiful user interfaces.

Combining Combine and SwiftUI

Combine and SwiftUI are designed to work together seamlessly, providing a powerful and reactive approach to building iOS and macOS applications. With Combine, you can handle asynchronous events and data streams, while with SwiftUI, you can create dynamic and responsive user interfaces that update automatically based on the changes in your data.

In SwiftUI, you can use the @State and @Binding property wrappers to bind your views to a source of truth, which can be a Combine publisher. This allows your views to update automatically when the data emitted by the publisher changes. You can also use the onReceive modifier to subscribe to a publisher and trigger a side effect whenever new data is emitted.

Combine and SwiftUI also provide a range of built-in operators and modifiers for working with data streams and views, such as the flatMap, switchToLatest, and animation operators, and the transition and rotationEffect modifiers.


Combine is a powerful framework that allows developers to handle asynchronous events in a declarative and reactive manner. By using publishers, subscribers, and operators, developers can create complex data flows that are easy to modify and extend over time. If you’re interested in mastering asynchronous programming in Swift, Combine is definitely worth exploring.

On the other hand with SwiftUI, you can create dynamic and responsive user interfaces that update automatically based on the changes in your data. By combining these two frameworks, you can create elegant and functional apps that are easy to maintain and extend over time.

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