Protocols in Swift provide a way to define a blueprint for types that ensures consistency and interoperability in your code.


Protocols are a fundamental concept in Swift that allows you to define a blueprint for methods, properties, and other requirements that a class, structure, or enumeration must conform to. Protocols provide a way to describe what functionality a type should have, without dictating how that functionality should be implemented.

How Protocols Work

A protocol is defined using the protocol keyword, followed by the protocol name and a set of requirements in curly braces. These requirements can include methods, properties, and other types that conforming types must implement. Here’s an example protocol that defines a requirement for a Drawable type:

protocol Drawable {
  func draw()

Any type that conforms to this protocol must implement the draw() method. For example, here’s how you could define a Circle class that conforms to the Drawable protocol:

class Circle: Drawable {
  func draw() {
    // Your implementation...

Note that the Circle class implements the draw() method to conform to the Drawable protocol. This means that any code that expects a Drawable type can also accept an instance of the Circle class.

Protocol Syntax

Here’s a breakdown of the syntax for a protocol in Swift:

protocol ProtocolName {
  // You add here your requirements

And here’s an example of a protocol with multiple requirements:

protocol SameProtocol {
  var name: String { get set }

  func doSomething()

  static func someTypeMethod()

This protocol defines three requirements:

  • name is a read-write property that conforming types must implement.
  • doSomething() is a method that conforming types must implement.
  • someTypeMethod() is a static method that conforming types must implement.

Protocol Inheritance

Certainly! Protocol inheritance is a powerful feature of Swift that allows you to build more complex and specialized types by combining multiple protocols. Here’s an example that demonstrates how to create a protocol that inherits from another protocol:

protocol Vehicle {
  var numberOfWheels: Int { get }
  func drive()

protocol Car: Vehicle {
  var hasSunroof: Bool { get set }

  func accelerate()

class SportsCar: Car {
  var numberOfWheels: Int = 4
  var hasSunroof: Bool = true

  func drive() {

  func accelerate() {
    print("Zero to 100 in 10 seconds!")

In this example, we start by defining a Vehicle protocol with a numberOfWheels property and a drive() method. Then we define a Car protocol that inherits from the Vehicle protocol and adds a hasSunroof property and an accelerate() method.

Finally, we define a SportsCar class that conforms to the Car protocol. The SportsCar class implements all the required methods and properties of both the Vehicle and Car protocols, allowing it to be used anywhere a Vehicle or Car type is expected.

Protocol inheritance allows you to build more complex and specialized types by combining multiple protocols. By inheriting from a base protocol, you can define more specific requirements for conforming types, while still ensuring consistency and interoperability across your codebase.

Protocol Conformance

Once you’ve defined a protocol, you can make a type conform to that protocol by implementing its required methods and properties. Here’s an example:

protocol Drawable {
  func draw()

class Circle: Drawable {
  func draw() {
    print("Drawing a circle")

class Square: Drawable {
  func draw() {
    print("Drawing a square")

let circle = Circle()
let square = Square()

circle.draw() // Drawing a circle
square.draw() // Drawing a square

In this example, we define a Drawable protocol with a single required method, draw(). Then we define two classes, Circle and Square, both of which conform to the Drawable protocol by implementing the draw() method.

Finally, we create instances of each class and call their draw() methods, which outputs “Drawing a circle” and “Drawing a square” respectively.

By making these types conform to the Drawable protocol, we can use them interchangeably wherever a Drawable type is expected. This provides a powerful way to write code that is more flexible and extensible.

In summary, to make a type conform to a protocol, you simply need to implement its required methods and properties. Once a type conforms to a protocol, it can be used wherever that protocol is expected, providing a powerful way to write more flexible and reusable code.

Protocol Extension

You can extend protocols in Swift to provide default implementations of methods and add additional methods or properties. Here’s an example:

protocol Animal {
  var name: String { get }
  func makeSound()

extension Animal {
  func makeSound() {
    print("\(name) makes a sound")

  func eat(food: String) {
    print("\(name) is eating \(food)")

class Dog: Animal {
  let name = "Doggy"

let dog = Dog()

dog.makeSound() // "Doggy makes a sound" "bone") // "Doggy is eating bone"

In this example, we define an Animal protocol with a name property and a makeSound() method. We then use an extension to provide a default implementation of the makeSound() method for any type that conforms to the Animal protocol.

Additionally, we add a new method, eat(), to the Animal protocol using the extension. This method is not required by the Animal protocol, but any type that conforms to the protocol can use it.

Finally, we define a Dog class that conforms to the Animal protocol. Because the Dog class does not provide its implementation of the makeSound() method, it uses the default implementation provided by the extension. We also demonstrate how the eat() method can be used with an instance of Dog.

In summary, extensions provide a way to add default implementations and additional methods or properties to protocols. This can be a powerful way to provide consistent behavior across different types that conform to a protocol, while still allowing individual types to provide their custom implementations when needed.

Protocol Composition

Protocol composition is a powerful feature of Swift that allows you to combine multiple protocols to create a new, more specialized protocol. Here’s an example:

protocol Printable {
  func printContent()

protocol Drawable {
  func draw()

Let’s assume we have those protocols, and we can compose them creating a whole new protocol that uses both, here’s an example:

protocol PrintableAndDrawable: Printable, Drawable {}

Another approach used for example with the Codable protocol is using a typealias like this:

typealias PrintableAndDrawable = Printable & Drawable

Both approaches are fine depending on the use case, continuing with the example

class Circle: PrintableAndDrawable {
  func printContent() {
    print("Printing a circle")

  func draw() {
    print("Draw a circle")

let circle = Circle()

circle.printContent() // "Printing a circle"
circle.draw() // "Drawing a circle

In this example, we define two protocols, Printable and Drawable, each with its required methods. We then create a new protocol, PrintableAndDrawable, that combines both protocols using protocol composition.

We then define a Circle class that conforms to the PrintableAndDrawable protocol by implementing both the printContent() and draw() methods. Finally, we create an instance of Circle and demonstrate how it can be used to both print and draw a circle.

By using protocol composition, we’ve created a new protocol that combines the behavior of both Printable and Drawable. This can be a powerful way to create more specialized protocols that build on the functionality of existing protocols.

In summary, protocol composition allows you to combine multiple protocols to create a new, more specialized protocol. This can be a powerful way to create more complex and flexible types that build on the behavior of existing protocols.

Associated Types

In Swift, you can define protocols with associated types to create flexible APIs that can be customized by conforming types. An associated type is a placeholder type that can be defined by a conforming type. Here’s an example:

protocol Stack {
  associatedtype Element

  mutating func push(_ element: Element)
  mutating func pop() -> Element?

struct IntStack: Stack {
  typealias Element = Int

  var elements: [Int] = []

  mutating func push(_ element: Int) {

  mutating func pop() -> Int? {
    return elements.popLast()

var intStack = IntStack()
print(intStack.pop()) // Optional(2)
print(intStack.pop()) // Optional(1)

In this example, we define a protocol Stack with an associated type Element and two mutating methods push and pop.

We then define a struct IntStack that conforms to the Stack protocol. We provide a concrete type for the associated type Element, which in this case is Int. We implement the push and pop methods to add and remove elements from an array.

Finally, we create an instance of IntStack and demonstrate how it can be used to push and pop integers.

By using associated types, we’ve created a flexible Stack protocol that can be customized by conforming types to use any type for the Element placeholder type.

In summary, you can define protocols with associated types in Swift to create flexible APIs that can be customized by conforming types. An associated type is a placeholder type that can be defined by a conforming type, allowing you to create more flexible and reusable code.

Generics + Protocols

Using generics with protocols is a powerful way to create type-safe and flexible code in Swift. By defining a protocol with generic type parameters, you can write code that can work with any type that conforms to the protocol. Here’s an example:

protocol Printable {
  associatedtype Content

  func printContent(_ content: Content)

class Printer<T: Printable> {
  func printObject(_ object: T) {

struct Person: Printable {
  typealias Content = String

  let name: String
  let age: Int

  func printContent(_ content: String) {
    print("Name: \(name), Age: \(age)")

let person = Person(name: "Alice", age: 30)
let printer = Printer<Person>()
printer.printObject(person) // "Name: Alice, Age: 30"

In this example, we define a protocol Printable with an associated type Content and a method printContent that takes an object of type Content.

We then define a generic class Printer that takes a type T which must conform to the Printable protocol. We provide a method printObject that takes an object of type T and calls its printContent method.

We then define a struct Person that conforms to the Printable protocol. We provide a concrete type for the associated type Content, which in this case is String. We implement the printContent method to print the name and age of the person.

Finally, we create an instance of Person and a Printer for Person. We call the printObject method on the printer object to print the person’s name and age.

By using generics with protocols, we’ve created a type-safe and flexible Printer class that can work with any type that conforms to the Printable protocol, regardless of what type is used for the associated type Content.

In summary, using generics with protocols is a powerful way to create type-safe and flexible code in Swift. By defining a protocol with generic type parameters, you can write code that can work with any type that conforms to the protocol.

Protocol-Oriented Programming

Protocol-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on defining protocols to create modular and reusable code. In Swift, this paradigm has become increasingly popular due to the language’s support for protocols and their associated features.

At its core, protocol-oriented programming is about defining protocols that describe behaviors or capabilities that types can conform to. This allows you to define abstractions in your code that can be used to create more modular and reusable components. By defining protocols instead of classes, you can create more flexible and extensible code that is easier to test and maintain.

In practice, protocol-oriented programming involves creating small, focused protocols that describe a single behavior or capability. These protocols can then be composed and combined to create more complex abstractions. For example, you might define a protocol for a Vehicle that has properties and methods for speed and direction. You could then define a protocol for a Car that conforms to Vehicle and adds additional properties and methods specific to cars.

By breaking down your code into smaller, reusable components, you can create a more modular and flexible architecture. This can make your code easier to understand and modify, and can also make it easier to test and debug.

In Swift, several language features support protocol-oriented programming. For example, you can use protocol extensions to provide default implementations for methods and properties defined in a protocol. You can also use protocol inheritance to create more specialized protocols that inherit behavior from a parent protocol.

Overall, protocol-oriented programming is a powerful paradigm that can help you write more modular and reusable code in Swift. By focusing on protocols instead of classes, you can create more flexible and extensible abstractions that are easier to test and maintain.

Common protocols in Swift Standard Library

The Swift standard library provides many common protocols that are used throughout the language and its frameworks. These protocols define common behaviors and capabilities that types can conform to, allowing them to work together in a standardized way. Here are some of the most commonly used protocols in the Swift standard library:

  • Equatable: This protocol defines a method for testing whether two values are equal. Types that conform to Equatable can be compared using the == operator.
  • Comparable: This protocol defines methods for comparing two values. Types that conform to Comparable can be sorted and compared using the <, <=, >, and >= operators.
  • Hashable: This protocol defines a method for computing a hash value based on the contents of a value. Types that conform to Hashable can be used as keys in dictionaries and sets.
  • Collection: This protocol defines a set of methods and properties for accessing and manipulating collections of elements, such as arrays and dictionaries. Types that conform to Collection can be used in generic algorithms that work with collections.
  • Sequence: This protocol defines a set of methods and properties for iterating over a sequence of elements. Types that conform to Sequence can be used in for loops and other algorithms that work with sequences.
  • IteratorProtocol: This protocol defines a set of methods and properties for iterating over a sequence of elements. Types that conform to IteratorProtocol can be used to create custom iterators for sequences.
  • OptionSet: This protocol defines a set of methods and properties for working with sets of option values. Types that conform to OptionSet can be used to create sets of options, where each option is represented by a bit in an integer value.
  • Error: This protocol defines a set of methods and properties for working with errors in Swift. Types that conform to Error can be thrown and caught using Swift’s error handling mechanism.

These are just a few of the many protocols available in the Swift standard library. By conforming to these protocols, you can create types that work seamlessly with other Swift types and frameworks, making your code more modular and reusable.

Protocol-Driven Development + Use cases

Protocol-driven development is an approach to software design and architecture that places protocols at the center of the development process. By using protocols to define the capabilities and behaviors of your app’s components, you can create a more modular and flexible architecture that is easier to test, maintain, and extend.

Here are some examples of real-world scenarios where protocol-driven development can be used effectively:

  1. Networking: In an app that communicates with a server over a network, you can define a protocol to represent the API endpoints and their responses. By defining this protocol, you can create a clear separation between the networking layer and the rest of the app, making it easier to switch to a different networking library or mock the server responses for testing.
  2. Dependency Injection: In an app with complex dependencies, you can use protocols to define the interfaces between components. By defining these interfaces as protocols, you can inject mock implementations for testing or swap out different implementations depending on the environment (such as using a different database backend in production versus testing).
  3. User Interface: In an app with a complex user interface, you can use protocols to define the behaviors and data sources for your views. By defining these protocols, you can create reusable components that can be composed together to create different screens and layouts, making it easier to maintain and update the app’s UI.
  4. Analytics: In an app that tracks user behavior and analytics, you can use protocols to define the events and their properties that you want to track. By defining these protocols, you can create a clear separation between the analytics layer and the rest of the app, making it easier to switch to a different analytics provider or mock the events for testing.

By using protocols to drive the design and architecture of your app, you can create a more flexible and modular codebase that is easier to test, maintain, and extend. By defining clear interfaces between components, you can create a more cohesive and scalable app that can adapt to changing requirements and technologies.


In conclusion, protocols are an essential part of the Swift language that enables developers to define interfaces and establish contracts between different parts of an app. By defining protocols, you can create reusable code that can be composed together to create more complex and specialized types.

In addition to the basic syntax and usage of protocols, Swift also offers more advanced features such as protocol inheritance, default implementations, protocol composition, and associated types. By mastering these concepts, you can create more modular, flexible, and type-safe code.

Moreover, protocol-driven development is an approach that leverages the power of protocols to drive the design and architecture of your app. By using protocols to define clear interfaces between components, you can create a more cohesive and scalable app that is easier to test, maintain, and extend.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Swift developer, understanding protocols is essential for writing high-quality and maintainable code. By mastering this powerful language feature, you can take your Swift programming skills to the next level and build more robust and scalable apps.

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