Using Xcode Themes

Using Xcode Themes

It may not be very popular within the development communities, but yes, like many (if not all) IDEs, Xcode also allows you to customize the theme.

Open Terminal on Xcode

Open Terminal on Xcode

Being productive is nice to have for us as developers so we can make and solve our tasks easily or just quickly, so this time let’s make it easier if you love to use the terminal hand-to-hand with Xcode.



The most common data type we use (or we’ll be using) on our Swift journey used to be the worst headache, join me to see what’s behind this collection.

ScrollViews using Interface Builder

ScrollViews using Interface Builder

Scrollviews are a nice tool to have inside our apps, SwiftUI has been helpful to make them use easier unlike UIKit. Unfortunately many apps still using UIKit, so we need to know how to work with them.